GPU Support

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gVisor adds a layer of security to your AI/ML applications or other GPU workloads while adding negligible overhead. By running these applications in a sandboxed environment, you can isolate your host system from potential vulnerabilities in AI code. This is crucial for handling sensitive data or deploying untrusted AI workloads.

gVisor supports running most CUDA applications on preselected versions of NVIDIA’s open source driver. To achieve this, gVisor implements a proxy driver inside the sandbox, henceforth referred to as nvproxy. nvproxy proxies the application’s interactions with NVIDIA’s driver on the host. It provides access to NVIDIA GPU-specific devices to the sandboxed application. The GPU application can run unmodified inside the sandbox and interact transparently with these devices.


The runsc flag --nvproxy must be specified to enable GPU support. gVisor supports GPUs in the following environments.

NVIDIA Container Runtime

The nvidia-container-runtime is packaged as part of the NVIDIA GPU Container Stack. This runtime is just a shim and delegates all commands to the configured low level runtime (which defaults to runc). To use gVisor, specify runsc as the low level runtime in /etc/nvidia-container-runtime/config.toml via the runtimes option and then run GPU containers with nvidia-container-runtime. The runtimes option allows to specify an executable path or executable name that is searchable in $PATH. To specify runsc with specific flags, the following executable can be used:

exec /path/to/runsc --nvproxy <other runsc flags> "$@"

NOTE: gVisor currently only supports legacy mode. The alternative, csv mode, is not yet supported.


The “legacy” mode of nvidia-container-runtime is directly compatible with the --gpus flag implemented by the docker CLI. So with Docker, runsc can be used directly (without having to go through nvidia-container-runtime).

$ docker run --runtime=runsc --gpus=all --rm -it
[Vector addition of 50000 elements]
Copy input data from the host memory to the CUDA device
CUDA kernel launch with 196 blocks of 256 threads
Copy output data from the CUDA device to the host memory

GKE Device Plugin

GKE uses a different GPU container stack than NVIDIA’s. GKE has its own device plugin (which is different from k8s-device-plugin). GKE’s plugin modifies the container spec in a different way than the above-mentioned methods.

NOTE: nvproxy does not have integration support for k8s-device-plugin yet. So k8s environments other than GKE might not be supported.


gVisor supports a wide range of CUDA workloads, including PyTorch and various generative models like LLMs. Check out this blog post about running Stable Diffusion with gVisor. gVisor also supports Vulkan and NVENC/NVDEC workloads. gVisor undergoes continuous tests to ensure this functionality remains robust. Real-world usage of gVisor across different GPU workloads helps discover and address potential compatibility or performance issues in nvproxy.

nvproxy is a passthrough driver that forwards ioctl(2) calls made to NVIDIA devices by the containerized application directly to the host NVIDIA driver. This forwarding is straightforward: ioctl parameters are copied from the application’s address space to the sentry’s address space, and then a host ioctl syscall is made. ioctls are passed through with minimal intervention; nvproxy does not emulate NVIDIA kernel-mode driver (KMD) logic. This design translates to minimal overhead for GPU operations, ensuring that GPU bound workloads experience negligible performance impact.

However, the presence of pointers and file descriptors within some ioctl structs forces nvproxy to perform appropriate translations. This requires nvproxy to be aware of the KMD’s ABI, specifically the layout of ioctl structs. The challenge is compounded by the lack of ABI stability guarantees in NVIDIA’s KMD, meaning ioctl definitions can change arbitrarily between releases. While the NVIDIA installer ensures matching KMD and user-mode driver (UMD) component versions, a single gVisor version might be used with multiple NVIDIA drivers. As a result, nvproxy must understand the ABI for each supported driver version, necessitating internal versioning logic for ioctls.

As a result, nvproxy has the following limitations:

  1. Supports selected GPU models.
  2. Supports selected NVIDIA driver versions.
  3. Supports selected NVIDIA driver capabilities.
  4. Supports selected NVIDIA device files.
  5. Supports selected ioctls on each device file.
  6. Supports selected platforms.

Supported GPUs

gVisor currently supports NVIDIA GPUs:

While not officially supported, other NVIDIA GPUs based on the same microarchitectures as the above will likely work as well. This includes consumer-oriented GPUs such as RTX 3090 (Ampere) and RTX 4090 (Ada Lovelace).

Therefore, if you encounter an incompatible workload on a GPU on one of the above microarchitectures, even if on an unsupported GPU, chances are that this workload is also incompatible in the same manner on one of the officially supported GPUs. Please open a GitHub issue with reproduction instructions so that it can be tested against an officially supported GPU.

Rolling Version Support Window

The range of driver versions supported by nvproxy directly aligns with those available within GKE. As GKE incorporates newer drivers, nvproxy will extend support accordingly. Conversely, to manage versioning complexity, nvproxy will drop support for drivers removed from GKE. This strategy ensures a streamlined process and avoids unbounded growth in nvproxy’s versioning.

To see what drivers a given runsc version supports, run:

$ runsc nvproxy list-supported-drivers

NOTE: runsc’s driver version is a strict version match because runsc cannot assume ABI compatibility between driver versions. You may force runsc to use a given supported ABI version with the --nvproxy-driver-version even when running on a host that has an unsupported driver version. However, doing so is not officially supported, and running old drivers is generally not secure as many driver updates address security bugs. Bug reports with the --nvproxy-driver-version flag set will be treated as invalid.

Supported Driver Capabilities

The NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES environment variable defined in the container spec controls which driver libraries/binaries will be mounted inside the container. Different GPU workloads may have varying requirements. For instance, Vulkan requires graphics capability, CUDA requires compute, while NVENC/NVDEC requires video.

nvproxy supports the following driver capabilities: compute, utility, graphics and video. By default, nvproxy only allows compute and utility. If additional capabilities are required, then please set runsc flag --nvproxy-allowed-driver-capabilities with a comma-separated list of capabilities to allow. Allowing additional capabilities broadens the host driver surface exposed to the sandbox, so provision this flag conservatively. Passing “all” will allow all supported capabilities. If NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all then all allowed capabilities will be used.

Supported Device Files

gVisor only exposes /dev/nvidiactl, /dev/nvidia-uvm and /dev/nvidia#.

Some unsupported NVIDIA device files are:

  • /dev/nvidia-caps/*: Controls nvidia-capabilities, which is mainly used by Multi-instance GPUs (MIGs).
  • /dev/nvidia-drm: Plugs into Linux’s Direct Rendering Manager (DRM) subsystem.
  • /dev/nvidia-modeset: Enables DRIVER_MODESET capability in nvidia-drm devices.

Supported ioctl Set

To minimize maintenance overhead across supported driver versions, the set of supported NVIDIA device ioctls is intentionally limited. This set was generated by running a large number of GPU workloads in gVisor. As nvproxy is adapted to more use cases, this set will continue to evolve.

Currently, nvproxy focuses on supporting compute, graphics and video workloads (like CUDA, Vulkan and NVENC/NVDEC). If your GPU compute workload fails with gVisor, it might be because some ioctl commands are still be unimplemented. Please open a GitHub issue to describe about your use case. If a missing ioctl implementation is the problem, then the debug logs will contain warnings with prefix nvproxy: handler is undefined *. See below on how to run the ioctl_sniffer tool.

Supported Platforms

All nvproxy functionality is supported on systrap and ptrace platforms. cudaMallocManaged() is currently flaky on the KVM platform due to limitations regarding virtual memory layout; all other nvproxy functionality is supported on the KVM platform.


There are a few methods to try when debugging GPU workloads. The first step to try should be gVisor’s ioctl_sniffer tool; if your GPU workload fails due to unimplemented ioctl commands in gVisor, this tool will provide a list of the specific ones.

Occasionally, you may also need to dig into the Nvidia GPU Driver itself. To do so, you can install the OSS Driver repo and checkout the appropriate driver version.

git clone
cd open-gpu-kernel-modules
git checkout tags/$DRIVER_VERSION

For printk() debugging, it is advised to use portDbgPrintf(). See more discussion here. You should be able to see the prints via dmesg(1).

Then uninstall the existing Nvidia driver, build kernel module from local source files and reinstall it.

sudo /usr/bin/nvidia-uninstall
make modules -j$(nproc)
sudo make modules_install -j$(nproc)
sudo insmod kernel-open/nvidia.ko
sudo insmod kernel-open/nvidia-uvm.ko
sudo insmod kernel-open/nvidia-drm.ko
sudo insmod kernel-open/nvidia-modeset.ko

sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-$ --no-kernel-modules

Host Configurations

When downloading large models within gVisor, you might encounter application segmentation faults due to host VMA exhaustion. To workaround this, you can set the value of /proc/sys/vm/max_map_count to a large number.

echo 1000000 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/max_map_count

Alternatively, you can also just pass the runsc flag --host-settings=enforce.


While GPU support enables important use cases for gVisor, it is important for users to understand the security model around the use of GPUs in sandboxes. In short, while gVisor will protect the host from the sandboxed application, NVIDIA driver updates must be part of any security plan with or without gVisor.

First, a short discussion on gvisor’s security model. gVisor protects the host from sandboxed applications by providing several layers of defense. The layers most relevant to this discussion are the redirection of application syscalls to the gVisor sandbox and use of seccomp-bpf on gVisor sandboxes.

gVisor uses a “platform” to tell the host kernel to reroute system calls to the sandbox process, known as the sentry. The sentry implements a syscall table, which services all application syscalls. The Sentry may make syscalls to the host kernel if it needs them to fulfill the application syscall, but it doesn’t merely pass an application syscall to the host kernel.

On sandbox boot, seccomp filters are applied to the sandbox. Seccomp filters applied to the sandbox constrain the set of syscalls that it can make to the host kernel, blocking access to most host kernel vulnerabilities even if the sandbox becomes compromised.

For example, CVE-2022-0185 is mitigated because gVisor itself handles the syscalls required to use namespaces and capabilities, so the application is using gVisor’s implementation, not the host kernel’s. For a compromised sandbox, the syscalls required to exploit the vulnerability are blocked by seccomp filters.

In addition, seccomp-bpf filters can filter by argument names allowing us to allowlist granularly by ioctl(2) arguments. ioctl(2) is a source of many bugs in any kernel due to the complexity of its implementation. As of writing, gVisor does allowlist some ioctls by argument for things like terminal support.

For example, CVE-2024-21626 is mitigated by gVisor because the application would use gVisor’s implementation of ioctl(2). For a compromised sentry, ioctl(2) calls with the needed arguments are not in the seccomp filter allowlist, blocking the attacker from making the call. gVisor also mitigates similar vulnerabilities that come with device drivers (CVE-2023-33107).

nvproxy Security

Recall that “nvproxy” allows applications to directly interact with supported ioctls defined in the NVIDIA driver.

gVisor’s seccomp filter rules are modified such that ioctl(2) calls can be made only for supported ioctls. The allowlisted rules aligned with each driver version. This approach is similar to the allowlisted ioctls for terminal support described above. This allows gVisor to retain the vast majority of its protection for the host while allowing access to GPUs. All of the above CVEs remain mitigated even when “nvproxy” is used.

However, gVisor is much less effective at mitigating vulnerabilities within the NVIDIA GPU drivers themselves, because gVisor passes through calls to be handled by the kernel module. If there is a vulnerability in a given driver for a given GPU ioctl (read feature) that gVisor passes through, then gVisor will also be vulnerable. If the vulnerability is in an unimplemented feature, gVisor will block the required calls with seccomp filters.

In addition, gVisor doesn’t introduce any additional hardware-level isolation beyond that which is configured by by the NVIDIA kernel-mode driver. There is no validation of things like DMA buffers. The only checks are done in seccomp-bpf rules to ensure ioctl(2) calls are made on supported and allowlisted ioctls.

Therefore, it is imperative that users update NVIDIA drivers in a timely manner with or without gVisor. To see the latest drivers gVisor supports, you can run the following with your runsc release:

$ runsc nvproxy list-supported-drivers

Alternatively you can view the source code or download it and run:

$ make run TARGETS=runsc:runsc ARGS="nvproxy list-supported-drivers"

So, if you don’t protect against all the things, why even?

While gVisor doesn’t protect against all NVIDIA driver vulnerabilities, it does protect against a large set of general vulnerabilities in Linux. Applications don’t just use GPUs, they use them as a part of a larger application that may include third party libraries. For example, Tensorflow suffers from the same kind of vulnerabilities that every application does. Designing and implementing an application with security in mind is hard and in the emerging AI space, security is often overlooked in favor of getting to market fast. There are also many services that allow users to run external users’ code on the vendor’s infrastructure. gVisor is well suited as part of a larger security plan for these and other use cases.