Knative Services

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Knative is a platform for running serverless workloads on Kubernetes. This guide will show you how to run basic Knative workloads in gVisor.


This guide assumes you have have a cluster that is capable of running gVisor workloads. This could be a GKE Sandbox enabled cluster on Google Cloud Platform or one you have set up yourself using containerd Quick Start.

This guide will also assume you have Knative installed using Istio as the network layer. You can follow the Knative installation guide to install Knative.

Enable the RuntimeClass feature flag

Knative allows the use of various parameters on Pods via feature flags. We will enable the runtimeClassName feature flag to enable the use of the Kubernetes Runtime Class.

Edit the feature flags ConfigMap.

kubectl edit configmap config-features -n knative-serving

Add the kubernetes.podspec-runtimeclassname: enabled to the data field. Once you are finished the ConfigMap will look something like this (minus all the system fields).

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: config-features
  namespace: knative-serving
  labels: v0.22.0
  kubernetes.podspec-runtimeclassname: enabled

Deploy the Service

After you have set the Runtime Class feature flag you can now create Knative services that specify a runtimeClassName in the spec.

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: Service
  name: helloworld-go
      runtimeClassName: gvisor
        - image:
            - name: TARGET
              value: "gVisor User"

You can see the pods running and their Runtime Class.

kubectl get pods -o=custom-columns=',RUNTIME CLASS:.spec.runtimeClassName,STATUS:.status.phase'

Output should look something like the following. Note that your service might scale to zero. If you access it via it’s URL you should get a new Pod.

NAME                                              RUNTIME CLASS   STATUS
helloworld-go-00002-deployment-646c87b7f5-5v68s   gvisor          Running

Congrats! Your Knative service is now running in gVisor!